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How to Catch the A-Team
Top 10 Ways to Catch The A-Team
It's not as hard as you might think.
20 Ways To Stop The A-Team
Top 10 Ways to Catch The A-Team

10. Quit Storing Explosive Materials in our Watchtowers
This never made much sense anyway.

9. Put Armor Around our Tires
Even though the A-Team can't seem to hit any of our guys, they can shoot tires with uncanny accuracy.

8. Track the Sales of Tranquilizers
The A-Team has to knock BA out every time they fly. It probably takes a lot of tranquilizers to get this done.

7. Shoot Better
We never hit them.

6. Don't be Afraid of Their Bullets
They never hit us

5. Find Young Women in Need of Help
The A-Team will show up before long.

4. Don't Lock the A-Team in a Warehouse
They always find a way to build a tank while they're trapped.

3. Whatever You Do, Don't Lock Them in a Warehouse with an Acetylene Torch
It just makes their job easier.

2. For the Love of Mercy, Don't Lock Them in a Warehouse with an Acetylene Torch and Dynamite
I really shouldn't have to tell you this... but it's happened too many times before.

1. Don't Let the Big Guy Toss You
That's his best move. And once he does that, you'll never catch him.

Return To: It's not as hard as you might think.

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