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Kentucky cashier falls for fake Bush $200 bill

DANVILLE, Kentucky (AP) -- A $200 bill bearing the likeness of President Bush would seem to be an obvious fake. But it seemed real enough to fool one fast-food cashier.

Police are looking for the person who used the bill to buy $2.12 worth of food at a Dairy Queen, and drove away after getting $197.88 in change.

In addition to the Bush portrait on the front, the treasury seal is marked with the phrase, "The right to bear arms." An oil well appears on the back of the bill.

Whoever passed the bill Sunday could be charged with failure to pay for a purchase, Danville police said. It was such a clear fake that police say it can't be considered a counterfeit.

Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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