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Man accidentally saws off hand, then shoots nails into head

BETHLEHEM, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A Pennsylvania construction worker accidentally cut off his hand with a power saw and then shot himself in the head with a nail gun several times, apparently hoping to end his pain, police said.

William Bartron, 25, had at least a dozen 1-inch nails protruding from his scalp, police said. He underwent surgery to reattach the hand and was hospitalized in stable condition Wednesday, said his employer Greg Soltis.

Bartron severed his hand Tuesday while using a miter saw in the basement of another man's home, police said.

After finding Bartron, the man called emergency. Soltis arrived a short time later.

Soltis said Bartron had shot several nails into his head with a pneumatic gun "because he could not stand the pain from the amputation," according to police.

Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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